Meddling mooli and the Blue legged alien by Asha Nehemiah

Book name : Meddling Mooli and the blue-legged Alien 
Author: Asha Nehemiah ; illustrated by : Sayantan Halder
Genre: Children’s literature
Age group: 7 + yrs
Publisher : Puffin 
Source : Publisher 


Murali Krishnan aka Mooli:  a boy whose meddling ways get him into trouble all the time. Supriya George aka Soups:  a girl who loves reading and has plenty of smart ideas.

They are best friends on a mission.To win a prize on the website WAYOUTS  [World’s As Yet Original Untried Tricks and Stunts]So they try out many untried tricks and stunts. And mess up the house. And trouble their parents. And create ruckus in their neighbourhood. 

But do they eventually win the prize?  

Pick up this easy- to- read book and find out how Meddling Moolie and Soups ‘shoot’ a neighbour, discover a blue-legged alien and have some awesome, super cool adventures.

My thoughts: 
Children’s books have a way of lifting one’s spirits and makes one appreciate the simpler, uncomplicated things in life. Asha Nehemiah’s book is no exception to that rule. This endearing story of Mooli and his friend soups doing crazy stunts to win the WAYOUTS competition is both zany and out-of the box. Mooli’s mother makes cookies for a living and is appearing on the television on a cookery show. But her whip goes missing- is Mooli responsible for this ? The neighbor, Mr. Reddy’s prized Zinias that he was growing for a competition goes missing- again is Mooli  responsible for this? umm.. Maybe. Maybe not 😉
I didn’t realise that Asha was a big name in the world of children’s books when i agreed to review the book , and had my doubts about this one as it is normally not the genre i review. But i needn’t have worried , because Asha story is extremely engaging and fresh. The story  is told in simple words,  which i am sure children will find easy to read and enjoy. Sayantan’s illustrations makes the book more fun than it already is. The characters, be it the naughty Mooli, Soups , Mooli’s parents or the neighbour are extremely believable.  But I am sure you’ll fall in love with Mooli more than anyone else for his naughty antics and ideas. Asha packs enough material in the book to whet an inquisitive child’s mind- something that is essential considering the age group  that the book targets.Kudos to her imagination ! 
I am looking forward to the next book(forthcoming) in this series-  Meddling Mooli and the bully on Wheels. 
Overall, a super book that I’ll recommend to adults and children alike. 
My rating: 4/5 

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